Address Verification
Verify an address
Address verification is a pivotal step in Know Your Customer (KYC) processes and various other applications. Providing a complete and accurate address is essential for various purposes, such as shipping, billing, and contact information. Our Address Verification Endpoint is designed to help you verify and validate addresses, ensuring that your data is up-to-date and reliable. To utilize this endpoint, merchants must ensure to provide a full address as this is what would be used to confirm the validity of the address. The address verification process takes a minimum of 48 hours to complete depending on the location.
Our Address Verification Status feature lets you keep an eye on the verification process. It allows merchants to see how their requests are progressing and get updates on the status of their address verification.
Incorporating our Address Verification Endpoint into your workflow will help you maintain the quality and reliability of your address data, ultimately improving your customer experience and operational efficiency.
"first_name": "john",
"last_name": "doe",
"phone": "08012345678",
"address": "11c Atinuke Street, Off Gwalada Road, Ikeja, Lagos.",
"landmark": "ikeja mall",
"state": "lagos",
"lga": "ikeja",
"email": "",
"address_verification_due_date": "2023-01-01",
"verification_type": "person",
"street": "No 2 okay street",
"city": "Ikeja"
Address Verification: {{URL}}/identitypass/verification/address
Address Verification Status: {{URL}}/identitypass/verification/address/status
Key | Description |
app-id | Your App ID |
x-api-key | Your Secret Key |
Address Verification
Key | Description |
first_name | First name of the customer |
last_name | Last name of the customer |
phone | Phone number of the customer |
landmark | Landmark associated with the address of the customer |
street | name of street |
state | State of the address of the customer |
city | city of user |
lga | Local Government Area of the address of the customer |
verification type | person |
address | address of user |
address_verification_due_date | Due date of the address verification |
Address Verification Status
Key | Description |
job_id | This is the value for the field "_id" in the address verification response. It is the unique reference for any particular verification |
"Address Verification" Response For Lagos and Ogun State
"status": true,
"detail": "Verification Successful",
"response_code": "00",
"data": {
"addressStatus": "pending",
"phone": "+2348011111678",
"email": "",
"street": "test address",
"state": "lagos state",
"lga": "test lga",
"city": "lagos",
"requestingCompany": "Prembly",
"accountID": "RG170065035",
"isIDNumberVerified": false,
"createdAt": 1715928346,
"updatedAt": 171528346,
"verificationType": "Individual",
"agreedToTermsOfUse": false,
"consented": false,
"isReportReady": false,
"job_id": "1d35eb48-0f71-480d-9b30-432c70b0a6ee",
"first_name": "Test",
"last_name": "Test",
"identity_type": "BVN",
"identity_number": "12345678901"
"verification": {
"status": "VERIFIED",
"reference": "466fe29e-82e6-4eac-9688-19466150fd2d"
"widget_info": {},
"session": {
"_auth_user_id": "1",
"_auth_user_backend": "ngo.cib.auth.bands.MBacd",
"_auth_user_hash": "93ef1941b3867fcebe8ac6194b5a27fc495d37cc64d98165ffc5aba212bdb8e2"
"Address Verification" Response For Other States
"status": true,
"response_code": "00",
"data": {
"address": {
"log": [],
"first_name": "Test",
"last_name": "Test",
"phone": "+2348011111178",
"address": "address",
"latitude": null,
"longitude": null,
"landmark": "landmark",
"state": "ondo state",
"lga": "Test lga"
"guarantor": {
"log": [],
"testify": false
"business": {
"interior_images": [],
"financials_image": []
"location": {
"type": "Point",
"coordinates": [
"company_confirmed": false,
"lastModified": "2024-05-17T01:03:11.720Z",
"status": "unassigned",
"logs": [],
"created_date": "2024-05-17T01:03:11.720Z",
"dueDateCheck": false,
"notificationCheck": false,
"_id": "6646fb8e35ab64001905d97a",
"type": "address",
"class": "individual",
"verification_date": "2024-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
"reference": "XI/816071710",
"__v": 0
"verification": {
"status": "VERIFIED",
"reference": "0ae89f9f-21fc-4cf0-8d72-82f8affd2137"
"widget_info": {},
"session": {
"_auth_user_id": "1",
"_auth_user_backend": "ngo.corib.auth.bads.Moded",
"_auth_user_hash": "93ef1941b3867fce495d37cc64d98165ffc5aba212bdb8e2"
"Address Verification Status" Response
"status": true,
"response_code": "00",
"data": {
"status": true,
"message": {
"address": {
"log": [],
"first_name": "john",
"last_name": "doe",
"phone": "08012345678",
"address": "405b, landmark close, lagos",
"latitude": "7.348330",
"longitude": "7.348330",
"landmark": "Opposite john doe supermarket",
"state": "Lagos",
"lga": "Ikeja"
"guarantor": {
"log": [],
"testify": false
"business": {
"interior_images": [],
"financials_image": []
"location": {
"type": "Point",
"coordinates": [
"company_confirmed": false,
"lastModified": "2023-08-15T16:45:16.634Z",
"status": "unassigned",
"created_date": "2023-08-15T16:45:16.634Z",
"dueDateCheck": false,
"notificationCheck": false,
"_id": "64dcca7ea3c46f74ecc28564",
"type": "address",
"class": "individual",
"reference": "EP/12345678901",
"__v": 0
"verification": {
"reference": "868001f6-4e23-42b7-9fa0-6044a28f7714"
"session": {}
Response Description (Address Verification)
Response | Description |
status | Boolean indicating the verification status. |
response_code | Response code indicating the outcome of verification. |
data | Data related to the verification process. |
address | Information about the address being verified. |
log | Log related to the address verification. |
first_name | First name associated with the address. |
last_name | Last name associated with the address. |
phone | Phone number associated with the address. |
address | Address details. |
latitude | Latitude coordinate of the address. |
longitude | Longitude coordinate of the address. |
landmark | Landmark associated with the address. |
state | State where the address is located. |
lga | Local Government Area (LGA) of the address. |
guarantor | Information about the guarantor. |
testify | Boolean indicating whether the guarantor testifies. |
business | Information about the business. |
interior_images | Interior images related to the business. |
financials_image | Financial images related to the business. |
location | Geospatial location information. |
type | Type of verification. |
coordinates | Coordinates of the location. |
company_confirmed | Boolean indicating whether the company is confirmed. |
lastModified | Date and time of the last modification. |
status | Status of the verification. |
logs | Logs related to the verification. |
created_date | Date and time of creation. |
dueDateCheck | Boolean indicating due date check status. |
notificationCheck | Boolean indicating notification check status. |
_id | Unique identifier. |
admin_id | Identifier of the admin associated with the verification. |
created_by | Identifier of the creator. |
class | Verification class. |
reference | Reference code associated with the verification. |
__v | Version number. |
verification | Verification reference. |
reference | Reference code for verification. |
session | Placeholder for session data. |
Response Description (Address Verification Status)
Response | Description |
status | Boolean indicating the verification status. |
response_code | Response code indicating the outcome of verification. |
data | Data related to the verification process. |
status | Status of the verification process. |
message | Information related to the verification message. |
address | Information about the address being verified. |
log | Log related to the address verification. |
first_name | First name associated with the address. |
last_name | Last name associated with the address. |
phone | Phone number associated with the address. |
address | Address details. |
latitude | Latitude coordinate of the address. |
longitude | Longitude coordinate of the address. |
landmark | Landmark associated with the address. |
state | State where the address is located. |
lga | Local Government Area (LGA) of the address. |
guarantor | Information about the guarantor. |
testify | Boolean indicating whether the guarantor testifies. |
business | Information about the business. |
interior_images | Interior images related to the business. |
financials_image | Financial images related to the business. |
location | Geospatial location information. |
type | Type of verification. |
coordinates | Coordinates of the location. |
company_confirmed | Boolean indicating whether the company is confirmed. |
lastModified | Date and time of the last modification. |
status | Status of the verification. |
logs | Logs related to the verification. |
created_date | Date and time of creation. |
dueDateCheck | Boolean indicating due date check status. |
notificationCheck | Boolean indicating notification check status. |
_id | Unique identifier. |
admin_id | Identifier of the admin associated with the verification. |
created_by | Identifier of the creator. |
class | Verification class. |
reference | Reference code associated with the verification. |
__v | Version number. |
verification | Verification reference. |
reference | Reference code for verification. |
session | Placeholder for session data. |
Updated 9 months ago