BVN + (Face Validation)
Verify users bank verification number against user image
With the BVN 2.0, businesses have access to a comprehensive verification system that not only confirms a user's identity, but also ensures that they are the rightful owner of their bank account. This is done by requiring users to upload a clear and recent image of themselves along with their bank verification number, which is then cross-referenced against our database, ensuring you only onboard and transact with real customers.
This endpoint leverages our cutting-edge facial recognition and data analytics infrastructure to accurately match the user's image with their bank verification number, ensuring that there is no possibility of identity theft or fraud. Once you provide a user’s BVN and it matches with a recent picture, giving you a high match score, the verification process is complete, and users can rest easy knowing that their information is safe and secure.
number: 54651333604
Request Header
Key | Description |
app-id | Your App ID |
x-api-key | Your Secret Key |
Request Body
Key | Description |
number | Bank Verification Number |
image | Image url(png, jpeg, base64) |
Sample Response
"status": true,
"detail": "Verification Successful",
"response_code": "00",
"data": {
"bvn": "10101010101",
"firstName": "test",
"middleName": "test",
"lastName": "test",
"dateOfBirth": "10-sep-2000",
"registrationDate": "10-jan-2000",
"enrollmentBank": "000",
"enrollmentBranch": "abuja",
"email": "",
"gender": "male",
"levelOfAccount": "Level 3 - High Level Accounts",
"lgaOfOrigin": "Sag",
"lgaOfResidence": "Ba",
"maritalStatus": "Single",
"nin": "",
"nameOnCard": "test ",
"nationality": "Nigeria",
"phoneNumber1": "07000000000",
"phoneNumber2": "08000000000",
"residentialAddress": "01 yandaba ",
"stateOfOrigin": "Ba State",
"stateOfResidence": "test State",
"title": "Mr",
"watchListed": "NO",
"base64Image": "/9j/4AAQSkZJRgdhhsbankdk/2wBDAAgGBgcfjgjjdcJCQgKDBQNDAsLDBkSEw8hdhdhdhHh0aHBwgJC4nICIsIxwcKDcpLDAxNDQ0Hyc5PTgyPC4zNDL/2wBDAQkJCQwLDBgNDRgyIRwhMjIyMjIyMjIyMjIyMjIyMjIyMjIyMjIyMjIyMjIyMjIyMLiMykhmBxz2NKMLuwSlyq4lnbSLZgycfWpzInAJBwMdK3b3TTHYluuBk4rFtLdJISzgg7jXSoRXU4vay6o//9k=",
"number": "20000000000",
"face_data": {
"status": false,
"response_code": "01",
"message": "Face does not match",
"confidence": 0.0
"verification": {
"reference": "c14d243e9-15dd-42f5-852b-89e4a644e90b"
"session": {}
Response Description
Response | Description |
status | Indicates that the request was successful. |
detail | Indicates the detail of the response. |
response_code | Represents the response code. |
face_data | Contains information related to face recognition or matching process. |
status | Indicates that the face matching process was successful. |
message | Signifies that the face images matched. |
confidence | Represents the confidence level of the face match. |
data | Contains various fields representing the data associated with a Bank Verification Number (BVN). |
title | The person's title, such as "Mr" or "Mrs". |
gender | The person's gender, such as "Male" or "Female". |
maritalStatus | The person's marital status, such as "Single" or "Married". |
watchListed | Indicates whether the person is watchlisted or not. |
levelOfAccount | Indicates the level of the person's account. |
bvn | The person's Bank Verification Number. |
firstName | The person's first name. |
middleName | The person's middle name. |
lastName | The person's last name. |
dateOfBirth | The person's date of birth in the format "YYYY-MM-DD". |
phoneNumber1 | The person's date of birth in the format "YYYY-MM-DD". |
phoneNumber2 | The person's secondary phone number. |
registrationDate | The date when the person's BVN was registered in the format "YYYY-MM-DD". |
enrollmentBank | The code representing the bank where the person's BVN was enrolled. |
enrollmentBranch | The branch where the person's BVN was enrolled, specified as a location. |
The person's email address. | |
lgaOfOrigin | The person's Local Government Area (LGA) of origin. |
lgaOfResidence | The person's current Local Government Area (LGA) of residence. |
nin | The person's National Identification Number (NIN). |
nameOnCard | The name displayed on the person's card. |
nationality | The person's nationality. |
residentialAddress | The person's residential address. |
stateOfOrigin | The person's state of origin. |
stateOfResidence | The person's current state of residence. |
base64Image | The person's image encoded in base64 format. |
Updated 11 months ago