Phone Number Basic

Our phone number intelligence endpoint gives you insight to the UK number been checked. It allows our Users verify the number status, network, information on if the number was ported.

It offers a range of options to identify suspicious activities, provide intelligence about the authenticity of mobile telephone numbers and even confirm the name and address and even the age of the subscriber.

To use this endpoint please enter user's phone number and verify.


Test Data

Number: 19234567890



Request Header

app-idapp-idyour app-id
x-api-keyx-api-keyyour api-key

Request Body

number19234567890user's number


    "status": true,
    "detail": "Verification Successful",
    "response_code": "00",
    "data": {
        "number": "80000000001",
        "current_network": {
            "lrn": null,
            "mcc": "621",
            "mnc": "30",
            "name": "",
            "spid": "234501",
            "ocn": null
        "ported": false
    "verification": {
        "status": "VERIFIED",
        "reference": "4bf50d39-fef1-41e7-ba5d-35869e451449"
    "widget_info": {},
    "session": {}