Company Search With Registration Number
This API provides a way to verify company registration information using biometrics. It requires an App ID and Secret Key to be passed as headers and customer reference, customer name, country code, and company registration number as the request body.
company_number: 1000010
country_code: ng
Request Header
Key | Description |
app-id | Your App ID |
x-api-key | Your Secret Key |
Request Body
Key | Description |
country_code | Company country code e.g NG,GH,US. Get country codes here |
company_number | Company registration number. e.g RC - 000000, BN - 000000, |
Sample Response
"status": true,
"response_code": "00",
"message": "Information Retrieved successfully",
"data": {
"id": "73736373",
"name": "Doe Ventures",
"internationalNumber": "1000010",
"localNumber": "08012345678",
"countryId": "16",
"dateCreated": "2017-03-17T00:00:00.000Z",
"dateDisolved": "2017-03-17",
"accountingAuthorityId": "12",
"createdAt": "2020-07-01T18:37:37.921Z",
"updatedAt": "2022-10-30T14:15:25.006Z",
"alternateNames": [
"Doe Ventures"
"shortName": "DV",
"brandName": "Doe",
"canSellShares": "No",
"address": "1 VILLA AVENUE, IKEJA, LAGOS",
"hasPublicDebt": "No",
"paysVat": "01-1986904",
"vatNumber": "1234567890",
"vatDate": "2017-03-17",
"vatCancelDate": "2017-03-17",
"paysExcise": "Yes",
"exciseNumber": "234509705",
"exciseDate": "2017-03-17",
"exciseCancelDate": "2017-03-30",
"additionalData": {},
"europeanNumber": "",
"typeId": 96211,
"statusText": "Active",
"publicDebtAmount": 0,
"subscribedShareCapital": 0,
"paidShareCapital": 0,
"terms": "",
"annualAssembly": "",
"endDateFinancialYear": "2017-03-17",
"vatRemovalBasis": "",
"vatRestorationBasis": "",
"currentEmployeesNumber": "500",
"sharesValue": "1,200,678",
"sharesIssued": "800,000",
"sharesClass": "A",
"countyId": 16,
"financialYear": "2017-03-17",
"dateStatusChange": "2016-03-17",
"mailingAddress": "1 VILLA AVENUE, IKEJA, LAGOS",
"expirationDate": "2019-03-17",
"postalCode": 10003,
"sharesNotes": "",
"historicalNames": [],
"notes": "",
"registryUpdateDate": "2016-03-17",
"noindex": "",
"activityDescription": "Company description",
"providerId": 12,
"hideCompany": "No",
"hideAddress": "No",
"placeOfFormation": "None",
"updatedAtSitemap": "2022-10-30T14:15:25.000Z",
"authorizedCapital": "700,000",
"oldInternationalNumber": "10201010",
"turnoverRank": "",
"profitRank": "",
"turnoverRankLastYear": "",
"profitRankLastYear": "",
"mainActivityId": "",
"mainActivityTurnoverRank": "",
"mainActivityTurnoverRankLastYear": "",
"vatRegistrationDenialBasis": "",
"vatRegistrationDenialDate": "",
"vatRestorationDate": null,
"publicDebtDate": "2017-03-17",
"claimCompanyData": {},
"country": {
"id": 16,
"name": "Nigeria",
"deadCompanyStatus": [
"liquidatedCompanyStatus": [
"liquidationCompanyStatus": [
"bankruptcyProcessCompanyStatus": [],
"reservationCompanyStatus": [],
"formationCompanyStatus": [],
"code": "ng",
"currency": "NGN",
"sources": [
"url": "http://www.cac./za/",
"name": "Companies and Intellectual Property Commission"
"translation": {
"en": "Nigeria"
"fromCountry": {
"en": "Nigerian"
"companiesCount": 7756298,
"parentId": "",
"activeCompaniesCount": 5051173
"type": {
"id": 96211,
"type": "Private Company",
"countryId": 16,
"translation": {
"cs": "Soukromá společnost",
"de": "Privates Unternehmen",
"en": "Private company",
"es": "Empresa privada",
"fr": "Société privée",
"lt": "Privati bendrovė",
"lv": "Privāts uzņēmums",
"nl": "Privaat bedrijf",
"pl": "Spółka prywatna",
"ro": "Societate privată",
"ru": "Частная компания",
"tr": "Özel şirket",
"uk": "Приватна компанія",
"zh": "私人公司"
"isIndividual": false
"accountingAuthority": "",
"statuses": [
"id": 3993927,
"providerId": "AR Deregistration Process",
"providerName": "AR Deregistration Process",
"countryId": 16,
"translation": {
"cs": "Zrušení registrace z důvodu nesplnění ročního přiznání",
"de": "Löschung der Registrierung wegen Nichteinhaltung der Jahreserklärung",
"en": "Deregistration due to annual return non compliance",
"es": "Baja del registro por incumplimiento de la declaración anual",
"fr": "Radiation pour cause de non-conformité de la déclaration annuelle",
"lt": "Registracijos panaikinimas dėl to, kad nesilaikoma metinės deklaracijos reikalavimų",
"lv": "Reģistrācijas anulēšana sakarā ar neatbilstību gada deklarācijai",
"nl": "Uitschrijving wegens niet-naleving van de jaarlijkse aangifte",
"pl": "Wyrejestrowanie z powodu braku zgodności rocznego sprawozdania finansowego",
"ro": "Radiere din cauza neîndeplinirii declarației anuale",
"ru": "Снятие с регистрации в связи с несоблюдением требований годовой декларации",
"tr": "Yıllık beyanname uygunsuzluğu nedeniyle kayıt silme",
"uk": "Зняття з обліку у зв'язку з неподанням щорічної декларації",
"zh": "因不遵守年度报表而取消注册"
"accounts": [],
"tags": [],
"LEI": [],
"CIK": [],
"CAGE": [],
"isLEIIssuer": null,
"companiesRegisteredSameDate": 1134,
"reviews": [],
"allReviewsCount": "0",
"allReviewsRating": "0",
"categories": [],
"activities": [],
"parentCountry": "",
"addresses": [
"id": 15861596,
"address": "1 VILLA AVENUE, IKEJA, LAGOS",
"countryId": 16,
"companies": []
"persons": [
"id": 93250758,
"companyId": 47837175,
"personId": 32664364,
"roleId": 30001,
"amount": null,
"percentage": null,
"appointedOn": null,
"resignedOn": null,
"fromCompanyId": null,
"shares": null,
"votingShares": null,
"notes": null,
"notifiedOn": null,
"sourceNum": 1,
"sharesType": null,
"sharesValue": null,
"sharesCount": null,
"fromCompany": null,
"person": {
"id": 32664364,
"name": "willem abrham nel",
"countryId": 16,
"occupation": "Secretaty",
"nationality": "Nigerian",
"birthYear": "2009",
"birthMonth": "03",
"birthDate": "21",
"address": "1 VILLA AVENUE, IKEJA, LAGOS",
"countryOfResidence": "Nigeria",
"honorific": "",
"number": "571106 XXXX 08 X",
"isForeign": "No",
"documentType": "Nigerian International Passport",
"documentIssuedOn": "2023-01-10",
"documentIssuedBy": "2028-01-10",
"documentNumber": "D28914226",
"hideAddress": "No",
"email": "",
"phone": "08012345678",
"countryCode": "ng"
"role": {
"id": 30001,
"name": "Director (Active)",
"providerId": null,
"countryId": 16,
"translation": {
"cs": "Ředitel",
"de": "Direktor",
"en": "Director",
"es": "Director",
"fr": "Directeur",
"lt": "Direktorius",
"lv": "Direktors",
"nl": "Directeur",
"pl": "Dyrektor",
"ro": "Director",
"ru": "Директор",
"uk": "Директор",
"zh": "理事"
"isInactive": null,
"priority": null
"companies": [
"name": "COMPANY NAME 1",
"internationalNumber": "100000001"
"name": "COMPANY NAME 2",
"internationalNumber": "2000000001"
"naturesOfControl": [],
"personShares": []
"companyContacts": {},
"companyContactPersons": [],
"shares": [],
"financialReports": "[]",
"permits": [],
"licenses": [],
"inspections": [],
"subdivisions": [],
"insolvencies": [],
"events": [
"id": 73941933,
"companyId": 47837175,
"typeId": null,
"oldValue": null,
"newValue": "E-Mail sent to ETOP for 2022",
"date": "2022-03-08",
"type": null
"id": 73941934,
"companyId": 47837175,
"typeId": null,
"oldValue": null,
"newValue": "E-Mail sent to ETOP for 2022",
"date": "2022-03-08",
"type": null
"id": 57674772,
"companyId": 47837175,
"typeId": null,
"oldValue": null,
"newValue": "E-Mail sent to TOP for 2021",
"date": "2021-03-10",
"type": null
"history": [],
"links": [],
"vehicles": [],
"restrictions": [],
"courtCases": [],
"acquisitions": [],
"securityMeasures": [],
"companyDocuments": [],
"filings": [],
"charges": [],
"affiliates": [],
"listTags": [],
"inspectionsCount": 0,
"permitsCount": 0,
"licensesCount": 0,
"subdivisionsCount": 0,
"insolvenciesCount": 0,
"eventsCount": 14,
"historyCount": 0,
"linksCount": 0,
"companyVehiclesCount": 0,
"restrictionsCount": 0,
"courtCasesCount": 0,
"acquisitionsCount": 0,
"securityMeasuresCount": 0,
"companyDocumentsCount": 0,
"filingsCount": 0,
"chargesCount": 0,
"affiliatesCount": "0",
"personsCount": "2",
"companyContactsCount": 0,
"companyContactPersonsCount": 0
Response Description
Response | Description |
status | Indicates that the request was successful. |
response_code | Represents the response code |
message | Provides a message indicating that the companies were retrieved successfully. |
data | An array containing the retrieved company information. Each element in the array represents a company and contains the following fields: |
id | The unique identifier for the status. |
name | The name of the company. |
internationalNumber | The international number assigned to the company. |
localNumber | The local number assigned to the company |
countryId | The identifier for the country where the company is registered. |
dateCreated | The date when the company was created. |
dateDisolved | The date when the company was dissolved. |
accountingAuthorityId | The identifier for the accounting authority associated with the company. |
createdAt | The timestamp of when the company information was created. |
updatedAt | The timestamp of when the company information was last updated. |
alternateNames | An array of alternate names for the company. |
shortName | The short name or abbreviation of the company. |
brandName | The brand name associated with the company. |
canSellShares | Indicates whether the company can sell shares |
address | The address of the company. |
hasPublicDebt | Indicates whether the company has public debt |
paysVat | The VAT payment status of the company. |
vatNumber | The VAT number assigned to the company |
vatDate | The date of VAT registration for the company |
vatCancelDate | The date of VAT cancellation for the company. |
paysExcise | Indicates whether the company pays excise. |
exciseNumber | The excise number assigned to the company. |
exciseDate | The date of excise registration for the company. |
exciseCancelDate | The date of excise cancellation for the company |
additionalData | Additional data associated with the company. |
europeanNumber | The European number assigned to the company. |
typeId | The identifier for the type of company. |
statusText | The textual representation of the company's status. |
publicDebtAmount | The amount of public debt associated with the company. |
subscribedShareCapital | The subscribed share capital of the company. |
paidShareCapital | The paid-up share capital of the company. |
terms | Terms associated with the company. |
annualAssembly | Information about the annual assembly of the company. |
endDateFinancialYear | The end date of the financial year for the company. |
vatRemovalBasis | The basis for VAT removal for the company. |
vatRestorationBasis | The basis for VAT restoration for the company. |
currentEmployeesNumber | The number of current employees in the company. |
sharesValue | The value of the company's shares. |
sharesIssued | The number of shares issued by the company. |
sharesClass | The class of shares issued by the company. |
countyId | The identifier for the county where the company is located. |
financialYear | The financial year of the company. |
dateStatusChange | The date when the company's status changed. |
mailingAddress | The mailing address of the company. |
expirationDate | The expiration date of the company. |
postalCode | The postal code of the company's address. |
sharesNotes | Additional notes or details about the company's shares. |
historicalNames | An array that may contain historical names associated with the company. |
notes | Additional notes or comments related to the company. |
registryUpdateDate | The date when the company's registry information was last updated. |
noindex | A flag indicating whether the company should be excluded from indexing or not. |
activityDescription | A description of the company's main activity or business. |
providerId | The ID of the provider associated with the company. |
hideCompany | A flag indicating whether the company's information should be hidden or not. |
hideAddress | A flag indicating whether the company's address should be hidden or not. |
placeOfFormation | The place where the company was formed. |
updatedAtSitemap | The date and time when the company's sitemap was last updated. |
authorizedCapital | The authorized capital of the company. |
oldInternationalNumber | The previous international number associated with the company. |
turnoverRank | The ranking of the company based on its turnover. |
profitRank | The ranking of the company based on its profit. |
turnoverRankLastYear | The ranking of the company based on its turnover in the last year. |
profitRankLastYear | The ranking of the company based on its profit in the last year. |
mainActivityId | The ID of the company's main activity. |
mainActivityTurnoverRank | The ranking of the company's main activity based on turnover. |
mainActivityTurnoverRankLastYear | The ranking of the company's main activity based on turnover in the last year. |
vatRegistrationDenialBasis | The basis for the denial of VAT (Value Added Tax) registration for the company. |
vatRegistrationDenialDate | The date of VAT registration denial for the company. |
vatRestorationDate | The date of restoration of VAT registration for the company. |
publicDebtDate | The date when the company's public debt was recorded. |
claimCompanyData | Additional data related to claiming the company. |
country | Information about the country associated with the company. |
id | This field represents the unique identifier of a particular entity or record within the system. |
name | This field contains the name of a company or entity. |
deadCompanyStatus | This field indicates the status of a company that is no longer active or in operation. |
liquidatedCompanyStatus | This field signifies the status of a company that has undergone liquidation, which is the process of winding up its affairs and distributing its assets among creditors and shareholders. |
liquidationCompanyStatus | This field represents the status of a company that is currently undergoing the process of liquidation. |
bankruptcyProcessCompanyStatus | This field indicates the status of a company that is undergoing a bankruptcy process, which involves a legal declaration of insolvency and the management of the company's assets and debts. |
reservationCompanyStatus | This field represents the status of a company that is under reservation, meaning it has been reserved for future use or registration. |
formationCompanyStatus | This field indicates the status of a company during its formation or incorporation process. |
code | This field contains the country code associated with the company. |
currency | This field specifies the currency used by the company for financial transactions. |
sources | This field may refer to the sources or references from which the information about the company was obtained. |
url | This field specifies the URL of the source. |
name | This field indicates the name or title of the source. |
translation | This field contains translations for different languages |
en | This field provides the translation for the English language. |
fromCountry | This field indicates the country of origin for the information provided. |
en | This field provides the English translation for the "fromCountry" field. |
companiesCount | This field represents the total number of companies. |
parentId | This field is not present in the provided response. |
activeCompaniesCount | This field represents the number of active companies. |
type | This field provides information about the type of company. |
id | This field represents the identification number of the company type. |
type | This field provides the description or name of the company type. |
countryId | This field represents the identification number of the country. |
translation | This field contains translations for different languages related to the company type. |
cs | This field provides the translation for the Czech language. |
de | This field provides the translation for the German language. |
en | This field provides the translation for the English language. |
es | This field provides the translation for the Spanish language. |
fr | This field provides the translation for the French language. |
lt | This field provides the translation for the Lithuanian language. |
lv | This field provides the translation for the Latvian language. |
nl | This field provides the translation for the Dutch language.. |
pl | This field provides the translation for the Polish language. |
ro | This field provides the translation for the Romanian language. |
ru | This field provides the translation for the Russian language. |
tr | This field provides the translation for the Turkish language. |
uk | This field provides the translation for the Ukrainian language. |
zh | This field provides the translation for the Chinese language |
isIndividual | It is a boolean field that indicates whether the entity is an individual or not. |
accountingAuthority | It is a string field that represents the authority responsible for accounting purposes. |
statuses | It is an array field that contains information about the statuses associated with the entity. |
id | It is a unique identifier for the status. |
providerId | It represents the provider identifier associated with the status. |
providerName | It denotes the name of the provider associated with the status. |
countryId | It indicates the country identifier associated with the status. |
translation | It is an object that includes translations of the status in multiple languages. |
cs | This field provides the translation for the Czech language. |
de | This field provides the translation for the German language. |
en | This field provides the translation for the English language. |
es | This field provides the translation for the Spanish language. |
fr | This field provides the translation for the French language. |
lt | This field provides the translation for the Lithuanian language. |
lv | This field provides the translation for the Latvian language. |
nl | This field provides the translation for the Dutch language. |
pl | This field provides the translation for the Polish language. |
ro | This field provides the translation for the Romanian language. |
ru | This field provides the translation for the Russian language. |
tr | This field provides the translation for the Turkish language. |
uk | This field provides the translation for the Ukrainian language. |
zh | This field provides the translation for the Chinese language. |
accounts | This field represents the accounts associated with the company. |
tags | This field represents the tags associated with the company. Similar to "accounts". |
LEI | LEI stands for Legal Entity Identifier, which is a unique identification code assigned to legal entities participating in financial transactions. |
CIK | CIK stands for Central Index Key, which is a unique identifier assigned to registered entities by the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). |
CAGE | CAGE stands for Commercial and Government Entity Code, which is a unique identifier assigned to entities doing business with the federal government of the United States. |
isLEIIssuer | This field indicates whether the company is an issuer of Legal Entity Identifiers (LEIs). |
companiesRegisteredSameDate | This field represents the number of companies registered on the same date as the current company. |
reviews | This field represents the reviews associated with the company. |
allReviewsCount | This field represents the total count of all reviews for the company. |
allReviewsRating | This field represents the overall rating based on the reviews for the company. |
categories | This field represents the categories associated with the company. |
activities | This field represents the activities or operations associated with the company. |
parentCountry | This field represents the parent country of the company. |
persons | This field is an array containing information about individuals associated with the company. |
id | The unique identifier of the person. |
companyId | The identifier of the company to which the person is associated. |
personId | The identifier of the person. |
roleId | The identifier of the role the person has in the company. |
amount | The amount associated with the person. |
percentage | The percentage associated with the person. |
appointedOn | The date when the person was appointed. |
resignedOn | The date when the person resigned. |
fromCompanyId | The identifier of the company from which the person is associated. |
shares | The shares associated with the person. |
votingShares | The voting shares associated with the person. |
notes | Additional notes or comments about the person. |
notifiedOn | The date when the person was notified. |
sourceNum | The source number of the person. |
sharesType | The type of shares associated with the person. |
sharesValue | The value of shares associated with the person. |
sharesCount | The count of shares associated with the person. |
fromCompany | The company from which the person is associated. |
person | An object containing detailed information about the person. |
id | Unique identifier of the person. |
name | Name of the person. |
occupation | Occupation or role of the person. |
nationality | Nationality of the person. |
birthYear | Birth year of the person. |
birthMonth | Birth month of the person. |
birthDate | Birth date of the person. |
address | Address of the person. |
countryOfResidence | Country of residence of the person. |
honorific | Honorific title of the person. |
number | Number associated with the person. |
isForeign | Indicates whether the person is foreign or not. |
documentType | Type of document associated with the person. |
documentIssueOn | Date when the document was issued. |
documentIssuedBy | Date when the document was issued by. |
documentNumber | Number associated with the document. |
hideAddress | Indicates whether the address should be hidden or not. |
Email address of the person. | |
phone | Phone number of the person. |
countryCode | Country code associated with the phone number. |
Role | This field in the response contains information about the role or position held by a person within a company. |
id | This field represents the unique identifier of the role. |
name | This field specifies the name or title of the role. |
providerId | It represents the provider identifier associated of the role. |
countryId | This field indicates the country ID associated with the role. |
translation | This field contains translations of the role name in different languages. |
cs | This field provides the translation for the Czech language. |
de | This field provides the translation for the German language. |
en | This field provides the translation for the English language. |
es | This field provides the translation for the Spanish language. |
fr | This field provides the translation for the French language. |
lt | This field provides the translation for the Lithuanian language. |
lv | This field provides the translation for the Latvian language. |
nl | This field provides the translation for the Dutch language. |
pl | This field provides the translation for the Polish language. pany's contacts. This field represents the shares of the company. |
ro | This field provides the translation for the Romanian language. |
ru | This field provides the translation for the Russian language. |
tr | This field provides the translation for the Turkish language. |
uk | This field provides the translation for the Ukrainian language. |
zh | This field provides the translation for the Chinese language |
isInactive | This field indicates whether the role of the person is currently inactive. |
priority | This field represents the priority level associated with the person's role. |
companies | This field contains an array of companies associated with the person. |
name | The name of the company. |
internationalNumber | An international identification number assigned to the company. |
naturesOfControl | This field represents the natures of control associated with the person. |
personShares | This field contains information about the shares held by the person. |
companyContacts | This field represents the contacts associated with the company. |
companyContactPersons | This field represents the persons associated with the company's contacts. |
shares | This field represents the shares of the company. |
financialReports | This field represents the financial reports of the company. |
permits | This field represents the permits associated with the company. |
licenses | This field represents the licenses associated with the company. |
inspections | This field represents the inspections conducted on the company. |
subdivisions | This field represents the subdivisions or divisions of the company. |
insolvencies | This field represents any insolvency proceedings associated with the company. |
Events | This field is an array that contains information about events associated with a company. |
id | The unique identifier of the event. |
companyId | The ID of the company associated with the event. |
typeId | The ID of the event type. |
oldValue | The previous value or state associated with the event. |
newValue | The new value or state associated with the event. |
date | The date on which the event occurred. |
type | The type of the event. |
history | This field represents a list of historical records or events associated with the company. |
links | This field contains a list of links associated with the company. |
vehicles | This field provides information about any vehicles owned or used by the company. |
restrictions | This field indicates any restrictions or limitations imposed on the company. |
courtCases | This field contains information about any court cases or legal proceedings involving the company. |
acquisitions | This field lists any acquisitions or mergers involving the company. |
securityMeasures | This field provides information about any security measures implemented by the company. |
companyDocuments | This field includes a list of documents associated with the company, such as contracts or legal agreements. |
filings | This field represents any official filings or submissions made by the company. |
charges | This field indicates any charges or claims against the company. |
affiliates | This field lists any affiliated companies or organizations related to the company. |
listTags | This field includes tags or labels associated with the company. |
inspectionsCount | This field represents the count of inspections conducted for the company. |
permitsCount | This field indicates the count of permits obtained by the company. |
licensesCount | This field represents the count of licenses held by the company. |
subdivisionsCount | This field indicates the count of subdivisions or branches of the company. |
insolvenciesCount | This field represents the count of insolvencies or bankruptcies associated with the company. |
eventsCount | This field represents the count of events or activities related to the company. |
historyCount | This field indicates the count of historical records or events associated with the company. |
linksCount | This field represents the count of links associated with the company. |
companyVehiclesCount | This field indicates the count of vehicles owned or used by the company. |
restrictionsCount | This field represents the count of restrictions or limitations imposed on the company. |
courtCasesCount | This field indicates the count of court cases or legal proceedings involving the company. |
acquisitionsCount | This field represents the count of acquisitions or mergers involving the company. |
securityMeasuresCount | This field indicates the count of security measures implemented by the company. |
companyDocumentsCount | This field represents the count of documents associated with the company. |
filingsCount | This field indicates the count of official filings or submissions made by the company. |
chargesCount | This field represents the count of charges or claims against the company. |
affiliatesCount | This field indicates the number of affiliates associated with the company. |
personsCount | This field represents the number of persons associated with the company. |
companyContactsCount | This field signifies the number of company contacts available. |
companyContact | This field represents the number of persons associated with the company's contacts. |
sharesNotes | Additional notes or details about the company's shares. |
historicalNames | An array that may contain historical names associated with the company. |
notes | Additional notes or comments related to the company. |
registryUpdateDate | The date when the company's registry information was last updated. |
noindex | A flag indicating whether the company should be excluded from indexing or not. |
activityDescription | A description of the company's main activity or business. |
providerId | The ID of the provider associated with the company. |
hideCompany | A flag indicating whether the company's information should be hidden or not. |
hideAddress | A flag indicating whether the company's address should be hidden or not. |
placeOfFormation | The place where the company was formed. |
updatedAtSitemap | The date and time when the company's sitemap was last updated. |
authorizedCapital | The authorized capital of the company. |
oldInternationalNumber | The previous international number associated with the company. |
turnoverRank | The ranking of the company based on its turnover. |
profitRank | The ranking of the company based on its profit. |
turnoverRankLastYear | The ranking of the company based on its turnover in the last year. |
profitRankLastYear | The ranking of the company based on its profit in the last year. |
mainActivityId | The ID of the company's main activity. |
mainActivityTurnoverRank | The ranking of the company's main activity based on turnover. |
mainActivityTurnoverRankLastYear | The ranking of the company's main activity based on turnover in the last year. |
vatRegistrationDenialBasis | The basis for the denial of VAT (Value Added Tax) registration for the company. |
vatRegistrationDenialDate | The date of VAT registration denial for the company. |
vatRestorationDate | The date of restoration of VAT registration for the company. |
publicDebtDate | The date when the company's public debt was recorded. |
claimCompanyData | Additional data related to claiming the company. |
country | Information about the country associated with the company. |
id | This field represents the unique identifier of a particular entity or record within the system. |
name | This field contains the name of a company or entity. |
deadCompanyStatus | This field indicates the status of a company that is no longer active or in operation. |
liquidatedCompanyStatus | This field signifies the status of a company that has undergone liquidation. |
liquidationCompanyStatus | This field represents the status of a company that is currently undergoing liquidation. |
bankruptcyProcessCompanyStatus | This field indicates the status of a company that is undergoing a bankruptcy process. |
reservationCompanyStatus | This field represents the status of a company that is under reservation. |
formationCompanyStatus | This field indicates the status of a company during its formation or incorporation process. |
code | This field contains the country code associated with the company. |
currency | This field specifies the currency used by the company for financial transactions. |
sources | This field may refer to the sources or references from which the information about the company was obtained. |
url | This field specifies the URL of the source. |
name | This field indicates the name or title of the source. |
translation | This field contains translations for different languages. |
en | This field provides the translation for the English language. |
fromCountry | This field indicates the country of origin for the information provided. |
en | This field provides the English translation for the "fromCountry" field. |
companiesCount | This field represents the total number of companies. |
parentId | This field represents the parent identifier for the company. |
activeCompaniesCount | This field represents the number of active companies. |
type | This field provides information about the type of company. |
id | This field represents the identification number of the company type. |
type | This field provides the description or name of the company type. |
countryId | This field represents the identification number of the country. |
translation | This field contains translations for different languages related to the company type. |
cs | This field provides the translation for the Czech language. |
de | This field provides the translation for the German language. |
en | This field provides the translation for the English language. |
es | This field provides the translation for the Spanish language. |
fr | This field provides the translation for the French language. |
lt | This field provides the translation for the Lithuanian language. |
lv | This field provides the translation for the Latvian language. |
nl | This field provides the translation for the Dutch language. |
pl | This field provides the translation for the Polish language. |
ro | This field provides the translation for the Romanian language. |
ru | This field provides the translation for the Russian language. |
tr | This field provides the translation for the Turkish language. |
uk | This field provides the translation for the Ukrainian language. |
zh | This field provides the translation for the Chinese language. |
isIndividual | It is a boolean field that indicates whether the entity is an individual or not. |
accountingAuthority | It is a string field that represents the authority responsible for accounting purposes |
statuses | It is an array field that contains information about the statuses associated with the entity. |
accounts | This field represents the accounts associated with the company. |
tags | This field represents the tags associated with the company. Similar to "accounts". |
LEI | LEI stands for Legal Entity Identifier, which is a unique identification code assigned to legal entities participating in financial transactions. |
CIK | CIK stands for Central Index Key, which is a unique identifier assigned to registered entities by the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). |
CAGE | CAGE stands for Commercial and Government Entity Code, which is a unique identifier assigned to entities doing business with the federal government of the United States |
isLEIIssuer | This field indicates whether the company is an issuer of Legal Entity Identifiers (LEIs). |
companiesRegisteredSameDate | This field represents the number of companies registered on the same date as the current company. |
reviews | This field represents the reviews associated with the company. |
allReviewsCount | This field represents the total count of all reviews for the company. |
allReviewsRating | This field represents the overall rating based on the reviews for the company. |
categories | This field represents the categories associated with the company. |
activities | This field represents the activities or operations associated with the company. |
parentCountry | This field represents the parent country of the company. |
persons | This field is an array containing information about individuals associated with the company. |
roleId | The identifier of the role the person has in the company. |
amount | The amount associated with the person. |
percentage | The percentage associated with the person. |
appointedOn | The date when the person was appointed. |
resignedOn | The date when the person resigned. |
fromCompanyId | The identifier of the company from which the person is associated. |
shares | The shares associated with the person. |
votingShares | The voting shares associated with the person. |
notes | Additional notes or comments about the person. |
notifiedOn | The date when the person was notified. |
sourceNum | The source number of the person. |
sharesType | The type of shares associated with the person. |
sharesValue | The value of shares associated with the person. |
sharesCount | The count of shares associated with the person. |
fromCompany | The company from which the person is associated. |
person | An object containing detailed information about the person. |
Role | This field in the response contains information about the role or position held by a person within a company. |
isInactive | This field indicates whether the role of the person is currently inactive. |
priority | This field represents the priority level associated with the person's role. |
companies | This field contains an array of companies associated with the person. |
name | The name of the company. |
internationalNumber | An international identification number assigned to the company. |
naturesOfControl | This field represents the natures of control associated with the person. |
personShares | This field contains information about the shares held by the person. |
companyContacts | This field represents the contacts associated with the company. |
companyContactPersons | This field represents the persons associated with the company's contacts. |
shares | This field represents the shares of the company. |
financialReports | This field represents the financial reports of the company. |
permits | This field represents the permits associated with the company. |
licenses | This field represents the licenses associated with the company. |
inspections | This field represents the inspections conducted on the company. |
subdivisions | This field represents the subdivisions or divisions of the company. |
insolvencies | This field represents any insolvency proceedings associated with the company. |
Events | This field is an array that contains information about events associated with a company. |
filings | This field represents any official filings or submissions made by the company. |
charges | This field indicates any charges or claims against the company. |
affiliates | This field lists any affiliated companies or organizations related to the company. |
listTags | This field includes tags or labels associated with the company. |
inspectionsCount | This field represents the count of inspections conducted for the company. |
permitsCount | This field indicates the count of permits obtained by the company. |
licensesCount | This field represents the count of licenses held by the company. |
subdivisionsCount | This field indicates the count of subdivisions or branches of the company. |
insolvenciesCount | This field represents the count of insolvencies or bankruptcies associated with the company. |
eventsCount | This field represents the count of events or activities related to the company. |
historyCount | This field indicates the count of historical records or events associated with the company. |
linksCount | This field represents the count of links associated with the company. |
companyVehiclesCount | This field indicates the count of vehicles owned or used by the company. |
restrictionsCount | This field represents the count of restrictions or limitations imposed on the company. |
courtCasesCount | This field indicates the count of court cases or legal proceedings involving the company. |
acquisitionsCount | This field represents the count of acquisitions or mergers involving the company. |
securityMeasuresCount | This field indicates the count of security measures implemented by the company. |
companyDocumentsCount | This field represents the count of documents associated with the company. |
filingsCount | This field indicates the count of official filings or submissions made by the company. |
chargesCount | This field represents the count of charges or claims against the company. |
affiliatesCount | This field indicates the number of affiliates associated with the company. |
personsCount | This field represents the number of persons associated with the company. |
companyContactsCount | This field signifies the number of company contacts available. |
companyContactPersonsCount | This field represents the number of persons associated with the company's contacts. |
Updated 11 months ago