Credit Reference Bureau Advance

The Credit Reference Bureau Advanced endpoint provides an even more comprehensive and in-depth overview of a user's credit history compared to the standard Credit Reference Bureau (CRB) endpoint. This specialized feature is designed to cater to authorized users like banks, microfinance institutions, and other credit providers.

Through the utilization of the CRB Advance endpoint, lenders gain access to a wealth of detailed information about an individual's credit history and repayment behavior. This enhanced level of data empowers lenders to make highly informed lending decisions, thoroughly evaluate creditworthiness, and effectively manage their exposure to risk. This advanced functionality plays a critical role in fostering responsible lending practices, elevating transparency within the credit ecosystem, and contributing to the cultivation of a healthy and stable financial landscape in Kenya.



action: user_search

national_id: 12345678




Request Header

x-api-keyYour Secret Key
app-idYour app id

Request Body

national_idNational ID of the customer

Sample Response

    "status": true,
    "detail": "Information retrieved successfully",
    "response_code": "00",
    "data": {
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            "cip": {
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                "grade": "E3",
                "trend": "NoChange"
            "inquiries": {
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                "subscribersInLast12Months": 1
            "paymentsProfile": {
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                    "value": 100089.32
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                "worstPastDueDaysForLast12Months": 15,
                "installmentAmountSum": {
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                    "localValue": 1189.34,
                    "value": 1189.34
                "numberOfDifferentSubscribers": 6,
                "openContracts": 8,
                "closedContracts": 3
            "collaterals": {
                "numberOfCollaterals": 0,
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                    "localValue": 0.0,
                    "value": 0.0
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                    "currency": "KES",
                    "localValue": 0.0,
                    "value": 0.0
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                "numberOfRelations": 0,
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                "activeContractDisputes": 0,
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                "fraudAlertsThirdParty": 0
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                "totalNumber": 0,
                "numberOfOpen": 0
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                    "validFrom": "2021-03-10T00:00:00Z",
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                    "subscriber": "B06"
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                    "validFrom": "2022-11-30T00:00:00Z",
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                    "validFrom": "2024-04-19T00:00:00Z",
                    "validTo": "2024-05-03T00:00:00Z",
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        "cip": {
            "recordList": [
                    "score": 250.0,
                    "grade": "E3",
                    "probabilityOfDefault": 100.0,
                    "trend": "NoChange",
                    "date": "2024-07-27T00:17:54.8184Z",
                    "reasonsList": [
                            "code": "BD1",
                            "description": "Current bad payment behaviour"
                            "code": "MS1",
                            "description": "Serious delinquencies last 3 months"
                            "code": "NI1",
                            "description": "1 or more missed payments last 2 months"
                            "code": "NO1",
                            "description": "3 or more non-mobile contracts were started last 9 months"
                            "code": "DM1",
                            "description": "Very high number of days past due on mobile contract last 6 months"
                    "score": 250.0,
                    "grade": "E3",
                    "probabilityOfDefault": 100.0,
                    "trend": "NoChange",
                    "date": "2024-06-7T00:00:00Z",
                    "reasonsList": [
                            "code": "BAD1"
                            "code": "MSS1"
                            "code": "NSI1"
                            "code": "NCO1"
                            "code": "DPM1"
                    "score": 250.0,
                    "grade": "E3",
                    "probabilityOfDefault": 100.0,
                    "trend": "NoChange",
                    "date": "2024-05-31T00:00:00Z",
                    "reasonsList": [
                            "code": "BAD1"
                            "code": "MSS1"
                            "code": "NSI1"
                            "code": "NCO1"
                            "code": "DPM1"
                    "score": 250.0,
                    "grade": "E3",
                    "probabilityOfDefault": 100.0,
                    "trend": "NoChange",
                    "date": "2024-04-30T00:00:00Z",
                    "reasonsList": [
                            "code": "BAD1"
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                            "code": "NSI1"
                            "code": "NCO1"
                            "code": "DPM1"
                    "score": 250.0,
                    "grade": "E3",
                    "probabilityOfDefault": 100.0,
                    "trend": "NoChange",
                    "date": "2024-03-31T00:00:00Z",
                    "reasonsList": [
                            "code": "BAD1"
                            "code": "MSS1"
                            "code": "NSI1"
                            "code": "NCO1"
                            "code": "DPM1"
                    "score": 250.0,
                    "grade": "E3",
                    "probabilityOfDefault": 100.0,
                    "trend": "NoChange",
                    "date": "2024-02-29T00:00:00Z",
                    "reasonsList": [
                            "code": "BAD1"
                            "code": "MSS1"
                            "code": "NSI1"
                            "code": "NCO1"
                            "code": "DPM1"
                    "score": 250.0,
                    "grade": "E3",
                    "probabilityOfDefault": 100.0,
                    "trend": "NoChange",
                    "date": "2024-01-31T00:00:00Z",
                    "reasonsList": [
                            "code": "BAD1"
                            "code": "MSS1"
                            "code": "NSI1"
                            "code": "NCO1"
                            "code": "DPM1"
                    "score": 250.0,
                    "grade": "E3",
                    "probabilityOfDefault": 100.0,
                    "trend": "NoChange",
                    "date": "2023-12-31T00:00:00Z",
                    "reasonsList": [
                            "code": "BAD1"
                            "code": "MSS1"
                            "code": "NSI1"
                            "code": "NCO1"
                            "code": "DPM1"
                    "score": 250.0,
                    "grade": "E3",
                    "probabilityOfDefault": 100.0,
                    "trend": "NoChange",
                    "date": "2023-11-30T00:00:00Z",
                    "reasonsList": [
                            "code": "BAD1"
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                            "code": "NSI1"
                            "code": "NCO1"
                            "code": "DPM1"
                    "score": 250.0,
                    "grade": "E3",
                    "probabilityOfDefault": 100.0,
                    "trend": "NoChange",
                    "date": "2023-10-31T00:00:00Z",
                    "reasonsList": [
                            "code": "BAD1"
                            "code": "MSS1"
                            "code": "NSI1"
                            "code": "NCO1"
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                    "sector": "Telecom",
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                        "value": 0.0
                    "debtorOpenContracts": 1,
                    "debtorClosedContracts": 0,
                    "guarantorOpenContracts": 0,
                    "guarantorClosedContracts": 0,
                    "sector": "MFIDonor"
                    "debtorOriginalAmountSum": {
                        "currency": "KES",
                        "localValue": 4003.09,
                        "value": 4003.09
                    "debtorCurrentBalanceSum": {
                        "currency": "KES",
                        "localValue": 4003.09,
                        "value": 4003.09
                    "debtorOverdueBalanceSum": {
                        "currency": "KES",
                        "localValue": 0.0,
                        "value": 0.0
                    "debtorOpenContracts": 2,
                    "debtorClosedContracts": 00,
                    "guarantorOpenContracts": 0,
                    "guarantorClosedContracts": 0,
                    "sector": "Telecom"
        "paymentIncidentList": {
            "paymentIncidentList": [],
            "summary": {
                "dueAmountSummary": {
                    "currency": "KES",
                    "localValue": 0.0,
                    "value": 0.0
        "disputes": {
            "disputeList": [],
            "summary": {
                "numberOfActiveDisputesCheques": 0,
                "numberOfActiveDisputesContracts": 0,
                "numberOfActiveDisputesSubjectData": 0,
                "numberOfActiveDisputesInCourt": 0,
                "numberOfClosedDisputesCheques": 0,
                "numberOfClosedDisputesContracts": 0,
                "numberOfClosedDisputesSubjectData": 0,
                "numberOfFalseDisputes": 0,
                "numberOfActiveDisputesCreditApplication": 0,
                "numberOfClosedDisputesCreditApplication": 0
        "inquiries": {
            "summary": {
                "numberOfInquiriesLast1Month": 1,
                "numberOfInquiriesLast3Months": 1,
                "numberOfInquiriesLast6Months": 1,
                "numberOfInquiriesLast12Months": 1,
                "numberOfInquiriesLast24Months": 1
            "inquiryList": [
                    "dateOfInquiry": "2024-07-1T14:56:54.09Z",
                    "subscriber": "Peza International",
                    "sector": "Others",
                    "product": "WS Creditinfo Report Plus",
                    "reason": 1
        "ciq": {
            "summary": {
                "numberOfFraudAlertsPrimarySubject": 0,
                "numberOfFraudAlertsThirdParty": 0
            "detail": {
                "lostStolenRecordsFound": 0,
                "numberOfCancelledClosedContracts": 0
        "bouncedCheques": {
            "chequeList": []
        "currentRelations": {
            "relatedPartyList": [],
            "involvementList": [],
            "contractRelationList": []
        "reportInfo": {
            "created": "2024-07-200:17:55.1868Z",
            "referenceNumber": "499337-97021",
            "requestedBy": "peza.api",
            "subscriber": "Peza International",
            "version": 553,
            "reportStatus": "ReportGenerated",
            "reportReferenceNumber": "3000-2012-9SAA-4FF9"
        "subjectInfoHistoryFlatList": [],
        "creditApplications": {
            "creditApplicationList": []
        "creditApplicationSummary": {
            "totalNumber12Months": 0,
            "numberOfOpenApplications": 0,
            "numberOfClosedApplication": 0,
            "numberOfClosedApplicationAccepted": 0,
            "numberOfClosedApplicationWithdrawn": 0,
            "numberOfClosedApplicationRejected": 0,
            "numberOfClosedCancelled": 0,
            "numberOfClosedFullyDisbursed": 0
        "parameters": {
            "inquiryReason": "ApplicationForCreditOrAmendmentOfCreditTerms",
            "consent": true,
            "searchIdNumberType": "NationalID",
            "searchIdNumber": "20000030",
            "idNumberType": "NationalID",
            "idNumber": "20000030",
            "subjectType": "Individual",
            "sectionsList": [
            "reportDate": "2024-07-27T00:17:54.82384Z",
            "subjectToken": "91yaDzH-bjQnkS--tio-JMWlwWgz10KTzVDyGA3-Qg0"
        "coremetrix": {}
    "verification": {
        "status": "VERIFIED",
        "reference": "0c8e7b1-c363-4a53-a543-56dbd9d9e"
    "widget_info": {},
    "session": {},
    "endpoint_name": "Credit Reference Bureau - Advance"

Code responses

MCRB API: Account Product Type

2Current Account12Asset Finance Facility
3Loan Account13Trade Finance Facility
4Credit card14Personal Loan
5Line of credit18Mobile Banking Loan
6Revolving credit19Other
8Credit card
9Business working capital
10Business expansion loan

MCRB API: Delinquency Codes

Delinquency codeReport nameReport description
001Identity not foundID number not found in the database
002No account informationID number has been found but it has no credit information
003No delinquencyID Number has credit info with No NPA
004Currently delinquent TrueID Number has credit information with at least one current NPA
005Historical delinquency TrueID Number has credit information with at least one Historical NPA

MCRB API: Identity Type

001National ID
003Service ID
004Alien Registration
005Company/Business Registration

MCRB API: Report Reason

1New credit application
2Review of existing credit
3Verify customer details
4Direct customer request

Response Description (Fetch Report)

statusIndicates the status of the response.
response_codeRepresents the response code associated with the request.
dataThis section contains various data related to the profile or summary.
dashboardDashboard-related information.
cipCredit information provider details.
scoreCredit score.
gradeCredit grade.
trendTrend of credit information.
inquiriesInformation about inquiries.
inquiriesForLast12MonthsNumber of inquiries in the last 12 months.
subscribersInLast12MonthsNumber of subscribers in the last 12 months.
paymentsProfilePayment profile information.
pastDueAmountSumSum of past due amounts.
worstPastDueDaysCurrentWorst past due days for the current period.
worstPastDueDaysForLast12MonthsWorst past due days for the last 12 months.
installmentAmountSumSum of installment amounts.
numberOfDifferentSubscribersNumber of different subscribers.
openContractsNumber of open contracts.
closedContractsNumber of closed contracts.
collateralsCollateral-related information.
numberOfCollateralsNumber of collaterals.
totalCollateralValueTotal collateral value.
highestCollateralValueHighest collateral value.
highestCollateralValueTypeType of highest collateral value.
relationsInformation about relations.
numberOfRelationsNumber of relations.
numberOfInvolvementsNumber of involvements.
disputesInformation about disputes.
activeChequesDisputesNumber of active cheques disputes.
activeContractDisputesNumber of active contract disputes.
activeSubjectDisputesNumber of active subject disputes.
closedChequesDisputesNumber of closed cheques disputes.
closedContractDisputesNumber of closed contract disputes.
closedSubjectDisputesNumber of closed subject disputes.
falseDisputesNumber of false disputes.
numberOfCourtRegisteredDisputesNumber of court-registered disputes.
ciqCredit information quality details.
fraudAlertsNumber of fraud alerts.
fraudAlertsThirdPartyNumber of fraud alerts from third parties.
bouncedChequesInformation about bounced cheques.
numberOfChequesNumber of bounced cheques.
individualIndividual-related information.
artificialEntityRelationsListList of artificial entity relations.
generalGeneral information about the individual.
forename1First forename.
fullNameFull name.
classificationOfIndividualClassification of the individual.
dateOfBirthDate of birth.
countryOfBirthCountry of birth.
maritalStatusMarital status.
socialStatusSocial status.
residencyResidency status.
citizenshipCitizenship status.
employmentEmployment status.
educationEducation status.
identificationsIdentification information.
nationalIDNational ID.
creditinfoIdCreditinfo ID.
mainAddressMain address information.
townTown of the main address.
countryCountry of the main address.
secondaryAddressSecondary address information.
contactContact-related information.
subjectInfoHistoryHistory of subject information.
generalListList of general information related to the subject.
identificationsListList of identification information.
addressListList of address-related information.
contactListList of contact-related information.
cipCredit Information Provider (CIP) details.
recordListList of credit records.
probabilityOfDefaultProbability of default.
dateDate of the record.
reasonsListList of reasons for the credit record.
codeCode for the reason.
descriptionDescription of the reason.
contractsList of contracts.
contractListInformation about contracts.
artificialEntityCodeCode for artificial entities.
branchBranch information.
phaseOfContractPhase of the contract.
accountStatusAccount status.
accountProductTypeType of account product.
performingIndicatorIndicator of contract performance.
currencyOfFacilityCurrency of the contract.
originalAmountOriginal contract amount.
installmentAmountAmount of installments.
outstandingAmountOutstanding contract amount.
overdueBalanceOverdue balance.
worstPastDueAmountWorst past due amount.
daysInArrearsDays in arrears.
worstPastDueDaysWorst past due days.
installmentsInArrearsInstallments in arrears.
dateOfLastPaymentDate of the last payment.
paymentFrequencyFrequency of payments.
dateAccountOpenedDate the account was opened.
negativeStatusOfContractNegative status of the contract.
subscriberSubscriber of the contract.
subscriberTypeType of subscriber.
roleOfClientRole of the client.
contractCodeCode for the contract.
internalEntityCodeInternal entity code.
lastUpdateDate of the last update.
relatedSubjectListList of related subjects.
collateralListList of collateral-related information.
calendarItemListList of calendar items.
dateDate of the calendar item.
delinquencyStatusStatus of delinquency.
contractsSubmittedNumber of contracts submitted.
disputesInformation about disputes related to the contract.
closedDisputesNumber of closed disputes.
falseDisputesNumber of false disputes.
activeDisputesNumber of active disputes.
activeInCourtDisputesNumber of active disputes in court.
disputeListList of disputes.
contractOverviewOverview of contract information.
sectorSector of the contract.
currentBalanceCurrent balance.
paymentIncidentListList of payment incidents.
paymentIncidentListList of payment incidents.
summarySummary of payment incidents.
dueAmountSummarySummary of due amounts.
disputesInformation about disputes.
disputeListList of disputes.
summarySummary of disputes.
numberOfActiveDisputesChequesNumber of active cheques disputes.
numberOfActiveDisputesContractsNumber of active contract disputes.
numberOfActiveDisputesSubjectDataNumber of active subject disputes.
numberOfActiveDisputesInCourtNumber of active disputes in court.
numberOfClosedDisputesChequesNumber of closed cheques disputes.
numberOfClosedDisputesContractsNumber of closed contract disputes.
numberOfClosedDisputesSubjectDataNumber of closed subject disputes.
numberOfFalseDisputesNumber of false disputes.
inquiriesInformation about inquiries.
summarySummary of inquiries.
numberOfInquiriesLast1MonthNumber of inquiries in the last 1 month.
numberOfInquiriesLast3MonthsNumber of inquiries in the last 3 months.
numberOfInquiriesLast6MonthsNumber of inquiries in the last 6 months.
numberOfInquiriesLast12MonthsNumber of inquiries in the last 12 months.
numberOfInquiriesLast24MonthsNumber of inquiries in the last 24 months.
inquiryListList of inquiries.
dateOfInquiryDate of the inquiry.
subscriberSubscriber of the inquiry.
sectorSector of the inquiry.
productProduct of the inquiry.
reasonReason for the inquiry.
ciqCredit Information Quality (CIQ) details.
summarySummary of CIQ information.
numberOfFraudAlertsPrimarySubjectNumber of fraud alerts for the primary subject.
numberOfFraudAlertsThirdPartyNumber of fraud alerts from third parties.
detailDetailed CIQ information.
lostStolenRecordsFoundNumber of lost or stolen records found.
numberOfCancelledClosedContractsNumber of canceled or closed contracts.
bouncedChequesInformation about bounced cheques.
chequeListList of bounced cheques.
reportInfoReport information.
createdDate of report creation.
referenceNumberReference number for the report.
requestedByName of the person who requested the report.
subscriberSubscriber of the report.
versionVersion of the report.
reportStatusStatus of the report.
reportReferenceNumberReference number for the report.
subjectInfoHistoryFlatListList of historical subject information.
parametersParameters related to the request.
inquiryReasonReason for the inquiry.
consentConsent status.
searchIdNumberTypeType of search ID number.
searchIdNumberSearch ID number.
idNumberTypeType of ID number.
idNumberID number.
subjectTypeType of subject.
sectionsListList of report sections.
reportDateDate of the report.
subjectTokenSubject token.
coremetrixCoremetrix-related information.
processingTimeProcessing time for the request.
statusBoolean indicating the overall status.
requestIdIdentifier for the request.