Tax Identification Number Verification
Verify Tanzanian Tax IDs with this endpoint
This endpoint allows users to verify the Tanzanian Tax IDs.
Test Data:
Id number : 111333222
id type : TIN
country : TZ
issued date : 2019-01-01
Request Body
key | description |
id_number | Identity card number |
id_type | Type of ID i.e. TIN |
country | Country of ID reg |
issue_date | date issued |
Request Header
key | description |
x-api-key | your api-key |
app-id | your app |
Sample Response
"status": true,
"detail": "Verification Successfull",
"response_code": "00",
"data": {
"taxpayerId": "111333222",
"taxpayerName": "",
"firstName": "JOHN",
"middleName": "PAUL",
"lastName": "DOE",
"dateOfBirth": "1995-03-10T00:00:00",
"dateOfRegistration": "2018-08-30T13:55:29",
"gender": "M",
"isPerson": true,
"postalAddress": "10390",
"postalCity": "DAR ES SALAAM",
"region": "Dar es Salaam",
"district": "Kinondoni",
"mobile": "",
"email": "",
"numberOfEmployees": 0
"status": "VERIFIED",
"reference": "24bfa4-5a35-40fe-9cca-d8b0c935"
"widget_info": {},
"session": {},
"endpoint_name": "Tax Identity number Verification"
Updated 3 months ago