Company Search - Basic
This endpoint allows Merchants get valuable information about companies using the either the business registration number or business name. provides access to fundamental company information, such as company name, address e.t.c.
Request header
key | description |
x-api-key | your api-key |
app-id | your app-id |
Request body
key | description |
search_string | business name or number |
Sample Response
"status": true,
"detail": "Verification Successful",
"response_code": "00",
"data": {
"date_created": "May 28, 2010",
"trading_company": "AGRICULTURE-FORESTRY",
"identification_number": "20000002",
"legal_form": "Limited company",
"executives": [
"JOSLAV ELÍN, date born October 10, 1987",
"Prague 10 - Vršovice, zip code 10000",
"Date of creation of position: May 28, 2010"
"LAV ELÍN, date born October 20, 1987",
"Vršovice, 101 00 Prague 10",
"Date of creation of position: May 28, 2010"
"LAV ELÍN, date born October 20, 1987",
"Husova 260, 300 21 Husinec",
"Date of creation of position: May 28, 2010",
"Date of termination of position: January 25, 2011"
"RHIY KOV, dat. born September 27, 1981",
"Laudova 1019/11, Řepy, 163 00 Prague 6",
"Effective date: January 25, 2011",
"Date of termination of position: January 26, 2011"
"AZEN ADAM, dat. born June 13, 1998",
"7432 Hetes, Hársfa utca 10, Hungary",
"Effective date: January 26, 2001"
"companions": [
"companion": "PRSKÁ VISNÍ a OBCHODNÍ s.r.o. abbreviated as PSAO s.r.o., ID: 247 40 67\nPrague 8 - Karlín, kolovská 231/35, zip code 10000"
"share_capital": "Deposit: CZK 200,000\nPaid: 100%\nBusiness share: 100%"
"companion": "PSAO s.r.o., ID: 247 43 267\nPrague 8, Sokolovská 231/35, zip code 18600"
"share_capital": "Deposit: CZK 200,000\nPaid: 100%\nBusiness share: 100%"
"companion": "PSAO s.r.o., ID: 247 43 267\nBílkova 855/19, Old Town, 110 00 Prague 1"
"share_capital": "Deposit: CZK 200,000\nPaid: 100%\nBusiness share: 100%"
"companion": "PSAO s.r.o., ID: 247 43 267\nSokolovská 231/35, Klín, 186 00 Prague 8"
"share_capital": "Deposit: CZK 200,000\nPaid: 100%\nBusiness share: 100%"
"companion": "AZEN AM, dat. born June 13, 1998\n7432 Hetes, Háfa utca 13, Hungary"
"share_capital": "Deposit: CZK 200,000\nPaid: 100%\nBusiness share: 100%"
"share_capital": "CZK 200,000"
"verification": {
"status": "VERIFIED",
"reference": "db8381-bc41-4a21-a3a9-f0b0fff22"
"widget_info": {},
"session": {},
"endpoint_name": "Company Search - Basic"
Updated 6 months ago