TIN with Passport
Verify Passport
The Tax Identification Number (TIN) is a unique identifier assigned to individuals and businesses for tax purposes. In Rwanda, the TIN is an essential requirement for various financial and administrative transactions. This endpoint allows the verification of TIN using Rwanda passports. You can also utilize the endpoint to validate Passports.
number: PD000000
Key | Description |
app-id | Your App ID |
x-api-key | Your Secret Key |
Key | Description |
number | Your passport number |
"status": true,
"detail":"Verification Successful",
Response Description
Response | Description |
status | Indicates that the request was successful. |
response_code | Represents the response code. |
detail | This field indicates the detail of the response. |
data | It is a string that contains some encrypted or encoded data related to the verification. |
name | The name of the person whose ID was verified. |
tin | The taxpayer identification number of the person whose ID was verified. |
Updated 11 months ago