Passport Version 2
Verify Passports
With our international passport verification endpoint, you can quickly and easily verify the authenticity of a customer's passport, ensuring that their identity is legitimate and up-to-date.
Using the international passport verification endpoint assists businesses to verify the identity of customers with greater accuracy and speed, while also providing valuable data to enhance service offerings.
last name : Ken
number : B50000947
dob : 1994-08-21
Request Header
key | description |
x-api-key | your api-key |
app-id | your app-id |
Request Body
key | description |
last_name | Users surname |
dob | date of birth |
number | passport number |
Sample Response
"status": true,
"detail": "Intl. Passport Verification Successful",
"response_code": "00",
"data": {
"currentPassportType": "STANDARD_E_PASSPORT",
"currentPassportNumber": "B50000947",
"currentTitle": "",
"currentFirstName": "Judah",
"currentMiddleName": "Oyin",
"currentLastName": "Ken",
"currentGender": "FEMALE",
"currentDateOfBirth": 777423600000,
"currentDateOfBirthLabel": "21/08/1994",
"currentDateOfBirthDay": "21",
"currentDateOfBirthMonth": "08",
"currentDateOfBirthYear": "1994",
"currentPlaceOfBirth": "",
"successful": true
"verification": {
"status": "VERIFIED",
"reference": "d48027-7a81-4892-938f-10ade8b108"
"widget_info": {},
"session": {},
"endpoint_name": "International Passport Version 2"
Updated 5 months ago