Advance CAC
Allows merchant to verify CAC information and get a more detailed response
With the Advance CAC endpoint, businesses can easily verify CAC information and get a more detailed response. Once you've input the CAC data, our AI-powered verification infrastructure uses indepth algorithms to analyze the information and provide you with a detailed report on the customer's CAC information.
Our Advance CAC provides you with the tools you need to verify CAC information and get a more detailed response, so you can make informed decisions about your customer acquisition strategies.
rc_number: 092932
company_name: Test Company
company_type: RC
Request Header
Key | Description |
app-id | Your App ID |
x-api-key | Your Secret Key |
Request Body
Key | Description |
rc_number | The Registration number of the company |
company_type | BN or RC or IT. Default is RC |
company_name | Name of the company |
Sample Response
"status": true,
"detail": "Verification Successfull",
"response_code": "00",
"data": {
"rc_number": "092932",
"company_name": "TEST COMPANY",
"state": "DELTA State",
"company_address": "10 lekki phase 12, Ousn state",
"company_status": "Active",
"city": "Akure",
"branchAddress": "lekki phase 10, Osun state",
"lga": "Birnin Kudu",
"registrationDate": "1986-06-04T00:00:00Z",
"directors": [
"surname": "Test",
"firstname": "Test",
"otherName": "",
"email": "",
"phoneNumber": "080000000000",
"gender": "Male",
"formerNationality": "",
"city": "Lagos",
"occupation": "Trader",
"formerName": "",
"corporationName": "",
"rcNumber": "092932",
"state": "Lagos",
"accreditationnumber": "00000000000",
"formType": "National Identification Number",
"numSharesAlloted": "",
"typeOfShares": "",
"dateOfBirth": "",
"dateOfAppointment": "",
"status": "ACTIVE",
"formerSurname": "",
"formerFirstName": "",
"formerOtherName": "",
"identityNumber": "",
"otherDirectorshipDetails": "",
"affiliateTypeFk": {
"name": "",
"description": ""
"countryFk": {
"name": "",
"code": ""
"lga": "",
"isCorporate": false,
"nationality": "Nigerian",
"address": "Test address",
"streetNumber": "Test Street",
"isChairman": "Yes",
"isDesignated": "",
"postcode": "",
"formerNameType": "",
"affiliatesResidentialAddress": {
"country": "NIGERIA",
"state": "",
"lga": "",
"city": "",
"address": "",
"streetNumber": "",
"postcode": "",
"hideResidentialAddress": false,
"affiliateType": ""
"affiliatesPscInformation": "",
"isPublicUser": ""
"searchScore": "0",
"email_address": "",
"company_type": "RC"
"verification": {
"status": "VERIFIED",
"reference": "ae4d4b11-d8eb-47c9-ba4a-469118973adc"
Response Description
Response | Description |
status | Indicates that the request was successful. |
detail | This field indicates the detail of the response. |
response_code | Represents the response code. |
data | An array containing the information received. |
rc_number | The registration number of the company. |
company_name | The name of the company. |
state | The state where the company is located. |
company_address | The address of the company. |
company_status | The status of the company. |
city | The city where the company is located. |
branchAddress | The address of the branch (if applicable). |
lga | The Local Government Area where the company is located. |
registrationDate | The date when the company was registered. |
directors | The list of directors associated with the company. |
surname | The surname (last name) of the director. |
firstname | The first name of the director. |
otherName | Any other names associated with the director. |
The email address of the director. | |
phoneNumber | The phone number of the director. |
gender | The gender of the director. |
formerNationality | The former nationality of the director. |
city | The city of residence of the director. |
occupation | The occupation or profession of the director. |
formerName | The former name of the director. |
corporationName | The name of the corporation associated with the director. |
rcNumber | The registration number of the director. |
state | The state of residence of the director. |
accreditationnumber | The accreditation number of the director. |
formType | The type of form used for identification (e.g., National Identification Number). |
numSharesAlloted | The number of shares allotted to the director. |
typeOfShares | The type or class of shares held by the director. |
dateOfBirth | The date of birth of the director. |
dateOfAppointment | The date of appointment of the director. |
status | The status of the director (e.g., ACTIVE). |
formerSurname | The former surname (last name) of the director. |
formerFirstName | The former first name of the director. |
formerOtherName | Any former other names associated with the director. |
identityNumber | The identity number of the director. |
otherDirectorshipDetails | Any additional details about other directorships held by the director. |
affiliateTypeFk | This field represents the foreign key referencing the affiliate type. |
name | This field indicates the name of the entity or affiliate. |
description | This field provides a description or additional information about the entity or affiliate. |
countryFk | This field represents the foreign key referencing the country associated with the entity or affiliate. |
name | This field indicates the name of the country. |
code | This field represents a code associated with the entity or affiliate. |
lga | This field represents the Local Government Area associated with the entity or affiliate. |
isCorporate | This field indicates whether the entity or affiliate is a corporate entity (true/false). |
nationality | This field indicates the nationality of the entity or affiliate. |
address | This field represents the address of the entity or affiliate. |
streetNumber | This field represents the street number of the entity or affiliate's address. |
isChairman | This field indicates whether the entity or affiliate holds the position of Chairman (Yes/No). |
isDesignated | This field indicates whether the entity or affiliate has a designated status. |
postcode | This field represents the postal code associated with the entity or affiliate's address. |
formerNameType | This field indicates the type of former name (if applicable) associated with the entity or affiliate. |
affiliatesResidentialAddress | This field provides residential address information for the entity or affiliate, including country, state, local government area (LGA), city, address, street number, postcode, and other related details. . |
hideResidentialAddress | This field indicates whether the residential address should be hidden (true/false). |
affiliatesPscInformation | This field contains information related to the Person with Significant Control (PSC) associated with the entity or affiliate. |
isPublicUser | This field indicates whether the entity or affiliate is a public user (true/false). |
searchScore | The relevance score of the search result. |
email_address | The email address associated with the company. |
company_type | The type or classification of the company. |
verification | It holds additional details about the verification process. |
status | Indicates the status of the verification. |
reference | A string representing a unique reference or identifier associated with the verification process. |
Updated 11 months ago