Get wallet balance

Get your current wallet balance

This endpoint enables merchants to access their Prembly wallet balance and monitor the available funds without having to login to their profile.

Please note that the utilization of this endpoint is restricted only to live environment.





x-api-keyYour Secret Key
app-idYour app-id


    "status": true,
    "data": {
        "country_code": "NG",
        "name": "Prembly",
        "email": "",
        "currency": "NGN",
        "balance": 9900,
        "is_active": true

Response Description

statusIndicates that the request was successful.
dataContains detailed information about the entity.
country_codeThe country code associated with the entity.
nameThe name of the entity.
emailThe email address associated with the entity.
currencyThe currency used by the entity.
balanceThe balance or financial amount associated with the entity.
is_activeIndicates whether the entity is active.