Basic CAC

This endpoint allows you to verify an RC number of a business

The basic CAC endpoint, allows you businesses to easily verify the RC number of any business registered with the CAC. This feature is incredibly useful for a variety of scenarios. For example, if you are considering doing business with a company, you can use the endpoint to ensure that they are a legitimate entity registered with the CAC.

To verify an RC number, all you have to do is enter the number into the designated field on our dashboard, and our system will quickly search the CAC database to confirm the business's registration status. Our system is fast and accurate, ensuring that you receive up-to-date information on the status of the business in question.****



rc_number: 092932

company_name: Test Company

company_type: RC




Request Header

app-idYour App ID
x-api-keyYour Secret Key

Request Body

rc_numberThe Registration number of the company
company_typeBN or RC or IT. Default is RC
company_nameName of company (optional)

Sample Response

    "status": true,
    "detail": "Verification Successfull",
    "response_code": "00",
    "data": {
        "rc_number": "092932",
        "company_name": "TEST COMPANY",
        "state": "DELTA State",
        "company_address": "10 lekki phase 12, Ousn state",
        "company_status": "Active",
        "city": "Akure",
        "branchAddress": "lekki phase 10, Osun state",
        "lga": "Birnin Kudu",
        "registrationDate": "1986-06-04T00:00:00Z",
        "directors": {},
        "searchScore": "0",
        "email_address": "",
        "company_type": "RC"
    "verification": {
        "status": "VERIFIED",
        "reference": "f332afdc-a35f-4a66-8d85-53ebece32430"

Response Description

statusIndicates that the request was successful.
detailThis field indicates the detail of the response.
response_codeRepresents the response code.
dataAn array containing the information received.
rc_numberThe registration number of the company.
company_nameThe name of the company.
stateThe state where the company is located.
company_addressThe address of the company.
company_statusThe status of the company.
cityThe city where the company is located.
branchAddressThe address of the branch (if applicable).
lgaThe Local Government Area where the company is located.
registrationDateThe date when the company was registered.
directorsThe list of directors associated with the company.
searchScoreThe relevance score of the search result.
email_addressThe email address associated with the company.
company_typeThe type or classification of the company.
verificationIt holds additional details about the verification process.
statusIndicates the status of the verification.
referenceA string representing a unique reference or identifier associated with the verification process.