Phone Number Basic
Verify South African Sim Cards
Our South African Sim Verification allows you verify the authenticity, security, and compliance of searched number with telecommunications network
To use this endpoint please provide User's national ID, first name, last name, email address, street address, city, post-code, country and phone number.
Test data
key | value | description |
x-api-key | api-key | your api-key |
app-id | app-id | your ap-id |
key | value | description |
national_id_number | 2349012345678 | national id number |
first_name | john | your first name |
last_name | doe | your surname |
email_address | | your email address |
street_address | no 1 lala street | your address |
city | city name | residing city |
post_code | 01011 | city post code |
country | south africa | country name |
phone_number | 2349012345678 | customer's phone number |
"detail":"Request successful",
"first_name":"100% Match",
"last_name":"100% Match",
"phone_number":"100% Match",
"email_address":"100% Match",
"national_id_number":"-1% Match",
"street_address":"-1% Match",
"city":"23% Match",
"post_code":"100% Match",
"country":"96% Match",
Updated 7 months ago