Credit Bureau Commercial(Business)-Basic
Get basic credit details of a business
As the name suggests, our Business Credit Verification Endpoint for businesses allows companies to quickly verify the credit details of any business. With just the company's RC-registration number, you can access a wealth of information about their financial behavior, including their credit score, repayment history, and outstanding debts. This information is critical for making informed decisions about doing business with other companies and managing your own credit risk.
This endpoint also provides detailed insights into each business's financial profile. You can easily assess the creditworthiness of potential business partners, suppliers, and customers, ensuring that you are making informed decisions that protect your business and drive growth.
rc_number: 59002
customer_name: Test Name
Request Header
Key | Description |
app-id | Your App ID |
x-api-key | Your Secret Key |
Request Body
Key | Description |
rc_number | Company RC number |
customer_name | Your customer's name |
Sample Response
"status": true,
"detail": "Credit Check successful",
"response_code": "00",
"data": [
"SubjectList": [
"CommercialID": "853535",
"SearchOutput": "OCH TEST DUMMY 5, - ",
"Reference": "853535"
"BusinessData": [
"CommercialID": "853535",
"ReferenceNo": null,
"BusinessName": "OCH TEST DUMMY 5",
"TradingName": null,
"IndustrySector": "",
"PreviousBusinessName": "",
"BusinessRegistrationNumber": "",
"PreviousRegistrationNumber": null,
"NoOfDirectors": "0",
"BusinessType": "",
"DateOfIncorporation": "30/07/2018",
"DateOfCommencement": null,
"TaxIdentificationNumber": "NIL",
"VatNumber": null,
"Webaddress": null,
"CommercialEmail1": null,
"CommercialEmail2": null,
"CommercialEmail3": null,
"CommercialEmail4": null,
"CommercialAddress1": "UBA HOUSE 57 MARINA",
"CommercialAddress2": "",
"CommercialAddress3": "",
"CommercialAddress4": "",
"postalAddress1": "UBA HOUSE 57 MARINAADD",
"postalAddress2": "RESS L",
"postalAddress3": "",
"postalAddress4": "",
"Telephone1": null,
"Telephone2": null,
"Telephone3": null,
"Telephone4": null,
"Fax1": null,
"Fax2": null,
"Fax3": null,
"Fax4": null,
"UpdatedOn": "11/01/2022"
"DirectorInformation": [
"Directorid": null,
"DateofBirth": null,
"firstName": null,
"othernames": null,
"surname": null,
"Identificationnumber": null,
"DirectorAppointmentdate": null
"FacilityPerformanceSummary": [
"TotalMonthlyInstalment": "0.00",
"TotalOutstandingdebt": "0.00",
"TotalAccountarrear": "0.00",
"TotalAccounts": "0",
"TotalAccounts1": "0",
"Amountarrear": "0.00",
"TotalaccountinGoodcondition": "0",
"TotalaccountinBadcondition": "0",
"TotalNumberofJudgement": "0",
"TotalJudgementAmount": "0",
"LastJudgementDate": "",
"TotalNumberofDishonoured": "0",
"TotalDishonouredAmount": "0.00",
"LastBouncedChequesDate": null,
"TotalMonthlyInstalment1": "0.00",
"TotalOutstandingdebt1": "0.00",
"TotalAccountarrear1": "0.00",
"Amountarrear1": "0.00",
"TotalaccountinGoodcondition1": "0",
"TotalaccountinBadcondition1": "0",
"TotalNumberofJudgement1": "0",
"TotalJudgementAmount1": "0",
"LastJudgementDate1": "",
"TotalNumberofDishonoured1": "0",
"TotalDishonouredAmount1": "0.00",
"LastBouncedChequesDate1": null,
"TotalNumberofAccounts": "0",
"LastDishonouredChequeDate": "0",
"Rating": null
"HighestDelinquencyRating": [
"HighestDelinquencyRating": "-1"
"EnquiryDetails": [
"SubscriberEnquiryResultID": "24327778",
"ProductID": "46",
"MatchingRate": "13",
"SubscriberEnquiryEngineID": "60272880"
Response Description
Response | Description |
status | Indicates that the request was successful. |
detail | This field indicates the detail of the response. |
response_code | Represents the response code. |
data | It is a string that contains some encrypted or encoded data related to the verification. |
SubjectList | This is an array of objects that represent the results of the CAC search. |
CommercialID | The unique identifier for the commercial account. |
SearchOutput | The full name and address of the commercial account. |
Reference | A reference number for the commercial account search. |
BusinessData | This is an object that represents the business details summary for a commercial account. |
CommercialID | The unique identifier for the business. |
ReferenceNo | A reference number for the business. |
BusinessName | The name of the business. |
TradingName | The trading name of the business. |
IndustrySector | The industry sector that the business operates in. |
PreviousBusinessName | The previous name of the business. |
BusinessRegistrationNumber | The registration number for the business. |
PreviousRegistrationNumber | The previous registration number for the business. |
NoOfDirectors | The number of directors of the business. |
BusinessType | The type of business, such as sole proprietorship, partnership, or corporation. |
DateOfIncorporation | The date that the business was incorporated. |
DateOfCommencement | The date that the business commenced operations. |
TaxIdentificationNumber | The tax identification number for the business. |
VatNumber | The VAT number for the business, if applicable. |
Webaddress | The website address for the business. |
CommercialEmail1 | The primary email address for the business. |
CommercialEmail2 | The secondary email address for the business. |
CommercialEmail3 | The tertiary email address for the business. |
CommercialEmail4 | The quaternary email address for the business. |
CommercialAddress1 | The first line of the business address. |
CommercialAddress2 | The second line of the business address. |
CommercialAddress3 | The third line of the business address. |
CommercialAddress4 | The fourth line of the business address. |
postalAddress1 | The first line of the postal address for the business. |
postalAddress2 | The second line of the postal address for the business. |
postalAddress3 | The third line of the postal address for the business. |
postalAddress4 | The fourth line of the postal address for the business. |
Telephone1 | The primary telephone number for the business. |
Telephone2 | The secondary telephone number for the business. |
Telephone3 | The tertiary telephone number for the business. |
Telephone4 | The quaternary telephone number for the business. |
Fax1 | The primary fax number for the business. |
Fax2 | The secondary fax number for the business. |
Fax3 | The tertiary fax number for the business. |
Fax4 | The quaternary fax number for the business. |
UpdatedOn | The date that the business data was last updated. |
DirectorInformation | This is an array of objects that represent the director’s information, one for each director of the company. |
Directorid | The unique identifier for the director. This is a number that is assigned to each director by the company. |
DateofBirth | The director's date of birth. This is the date on which the director was born. |
firstName | The director's first name. This is the director's given name. |
othernames | The director's middle names. This is the director's middle names, if any. |
surname | The director's last name. This is the director's family name. |
Identificationnumber | The director's identification number. This is a number that is used to identify the director. |
DirectorAppointmentdate | The date on which the director was appointed to the company. This is the date on which the director was hired by the company. |
FacilityPerformanceSummary | This is an object that represents the factory performance summary for a commercial account. |
TotalMonthlyInstalment | The total monthly installment amount for all of the facility's accounts. |
TotalOutstandingdebt | The total outstanding debt for all of the facility's accounts. |
TotalAccountarrear | The total number of accounts that are in arrears. |
Amountarrear | The total amount of money that is owed on the accounts that are in arrears. |
TotalAccounts | The total number of accounts that the facility has. |
TotalAccounts1 | The total number of accounts that are in good standing. |
TotalaccountinGodcondition | The total number of accounts that are in good condition. |
TotalaccountinGoodcondition | The total number of accounts that are in good condition. |
TotalNumberofJudgement | The total number of judgments that have been issued against the facility. |
TotalJudgementAmount | The total amount of money that is owed on the judgments that have been issued against the facility. |
LastJudgementDate | The date of the most recent judgment that was issued against the facility. |
TotalNumberofDishonoured | The total number of times that the facility has had a check or a payment bounced. |
TotalDishonouredAmount | The total amount of money that has been lost due to bounced checks or payments. |
LastBouncedChequesDate | The date of the most recent bounced check or payment. |
Rating | The facility's credit rating. |
HighestDelinquencyRating | The highest delinquency rating for any of the consumer's accounts. A delinquency rating is a number that represents the extent to which an account is in arrears. |
EnquiryDetails | This is an array of multiple objects, one for each enquiry that the consumer has made. |
SubscriberEnquiryResultID | The unique identifier for the enquiry result. |
ProductID | The ID of the product that the consumer enquired about. |
MatchingRate | The rate at which the consumer's credit profile matches the criteria for the product. |
SubscriberEnquiryEngineID | The ID of the engine that processed the enquiry. |
Updated 11 months ago